Calme des nuits

Have you ever walked under the moonlight?
The evening breeze blew slowly,
and you suddenly saw the world in a different view?
In that moment, the world seemed so calm,
and yet you were thrilled by the clear voice of silence.....
And at one time you were deeply charmed
by the brightness of the moonlight,
and you paused from the pace of history of humankind...
You froze, and time stopped...
you created your own space and time,
and it felt like eternity?
Just listen how the silence speaks to you...
Calme des nuits fraîcheur des soirs,
(Stillness of the night, cool of the evening)
Vaste scintillement des mondes,
(vast shimmering of the spheres)
Grand silence des antres noirs
(great silence of black vaults)
Vous charmez les âmes profondes.
(deep thinkers delight in you)
L’éclat du soleil, la gaieté,
(The bright sun, merriment)
Le bruit plaisent aux plus futiles;
(and noise amuse the more frivolous;)
Le poète seul est hanté
(only the poet is possessed)
Par l’amour des choses tranquilles*.
(by love of quiet things)
Is it true, that only poet is possessed by the beauty of stillness?
I am not a poet, I am just a dreamer. But I think somehow,that voice of silence has spoken to me...
And I wish I could share its beauty-the stillness of the night's- with you:
The beauty of wonderful things around us that we passed by so easily,
as our mind was being occupied by what seemed more important in lives
than those simple little things?
*A song composed by Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)
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